f/Lash ProductionsFeb 10Experimental, Dance & Music Film Festival feature - Filmmaker Laticia Fan (RE:BIRTH)RE:BIRTH, 8min., Taiwan Directed by Laticia Fan A lost soul traumatized by her past and trapped in the confines of her own imagination....
f/Lash ProductionsSep 22, 2023Selected For Top 5 Best Demo Videos for 2023#acaia #commercial Acaia | Pearl 2021 Commercial by f/Lash Productions Standout Features: High-angle product shots Relaxing lo-fi music...
f/Lash ProductionsMar 27, 2023独立制片人Ashley 赵紫雅:用讲故事的方式传递女性力量,拒绝用年龄定义女性 “各位女性,不要让任何人定义你年华已逝,永远不要放弃。”——杨紫琼捧起奥斯卡最佳女主角奖杯时发表的这句话感言,给亿万女性带来了光芒与力量。 在电影行业,有许多像杨紫琼这样的女性,她们小小年纪就明确了梦想与方向,为了心中炽热的渴望,越过江海、走遍世界,不被年龄束缚,拒绝世俗印...